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Highbury corner Youth Court 2025 - Drugs Supply Modern slavery case dropped

JD Spicer Zeb successfully represented a youth Defendant who faced charges of possession with intent to supply class A drugs. Our client, a 15 year old was witnessed by police selling crack cocaine and heroin in a busy North London area. When searched she had over 60 wraps of the drugs on her.  She was arrested and charged to appear at the Youth court. Upon taking her instructions it became apparent that she had been exploited as a victim of modern slavery and was advised to plead not guilty. 

A referral was made to the National Referral Mechanism on the suspicion that she had been exploited by a criminal gang which resulted in a finding of “conclusive grounds”. We asked the CPS to review the case based on the findings which resulted in the CPS taking a decision to drop the case against her. 

Our client was able to walk away from the criminal justice system still of good character.